Last November, I went on a 2 week vacation to Tahiti and the Society Islands. Prior to vacation, I had planned on using the vacation to quit vaping ... I figured two weeks of distractions would help me get off the vapes easier, than quitting while I was home. It worked like a charm but while on vacation, I got a "productive" Cough that was pretty persistent. It wasn't that I was sick or anything... I was just easily coughing up lung stuff and it sounded as though I was contagious with something. I got a nasty cold when I got home from vacation and the Cough had not had a chance of going away. Not too long after I got over the cold, I got a mile case of the flu and still the Cough had not had a chance of getting any better. Fast forward to March I still have the Cough. It was most prevalent in the mornings after I get up, and while I'm at the gym (I think there's something in the air at the gym that sets it off). Plus, I have allergies and we were getting into allergy season so I chalked it up to that too, but I was taking allergy meds daily and still having the issue. I don't remember where I read it on the Internet, but apparently I figured my Cough might due to some sort of inflammation I was experiencing. Then, I connected inflammation with Bromelain and then Quercetin and BANG, I was looking on Amazon for a supplement to help with this condition (I like to give supplements shot before taking OTC meds for too long). Anyway, I ordered this supplement and have been taking it twice a day for about a week, and my Cough is all but gone. Yes it's still there ... but nothing like it was before, I'm happy because it's having a positive effect, and now I don't sound like I'm giving everyone at the gym a cold. I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO MENTION THIS TO MY DOCTOR... to see if there's something more to this; something more serious going on other than a simple irritation. But at least the Cough is a lot better than before. OH!... and the stiffness in my hands is noticeably less than before I started taking this as well. DEFINITELY WORTH A SHOT