so just like every season
I've been using this product, seasonally, for about 3 years. This will be my first season, that I'm taking it as a daily dose. For the past two seasons, I would take it, only after feeling the first signs of a cold, or if somebody I was in close contact with at work, was sick. In every case, after starting an on demand dosage, I noticed immediate results. This season, I'm taking a daily dosage of one tablet. I started taking it in September, and it's now November 30th, so I'm almost through my first 90 day bottle. I work a retail job, so just like every season, people at work have been sick, all around me. On two occasions, this season, I felt a little upper respiratory discomfort, like I was beginning to come down with something, and I doubled my dosage to a second tablet before bed. After a couple days, it went away, and I went back to a single tablet, every morning before breakfast. So far, I have yet to miss a single day from work, due to illness. I've tried a number of immune boosting products, from Echinacea Tea, to mushroom extracts. This is the only product that I have ever tried, that I'm convinced has an immune boosting effect. I've purchased my 2nd 90 day supply, so I will be good now through March, and if I make it through the entire flue season without getting sick, it will be the first time ever. If that is the case, I will have nothing else to attribute it to, other than Counter Attack