You Need These Vitamins
I found out I was borderline B12 deficient, so I decided to start taking a B-Complex vitamin. I really wasn't feeling terrible beforehand so I didn't necessarily expect much from it, I thought maybe it would make me feel a bit better in a general sense. Now I've been taking it for about a month and have had amazing results. Most people probably won't relate to this one, but I was having a couple of weird symptoms that the doctors had no explanation for (heart palpitations and very sporadic, odd goosebumps) and I haven't experienced them since taking these vitamins. Another symptom of mine that has seemingly cleared up since taking them is digestion issues. I normally have uncomfortable and sometimes painful Bloating that would happen at least a few times a week, but that's been pretty much nonexistent in the month I've been taking these. The best result I've gotten by far though is that I'm happier, less stressed, and have way more energy. I was kind of depressed and very lethargic and tired before I started taking these and now I just generally feel more up to do things. I actually wake up feeling ready to start the day instead of feeling like I have to drag my body out of bed and function like a zombie throughout the rest of the day. And just to be clear, I am in no way saying that these should 100% be the answer to these problems if you're experiencing them. You should definitely see a doctor. But if you're like me and have seen doctors and still can't figure out why some of these weird little things are going on, this could be your answer. I also did some research on having a B12 deficiency and all of the symptoms I described are known symptoms of the deficiency. So basically, see your doctor and keep up on your health the way you should, but use these vitamins as a tools to do so