A balanced B supplement I can FEEL.
I work at a high-stress, always-on, multi-tasking, New Age American job -- and I'm 67 years old. This is the first VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT which, in addition to other nutrients, exercise and mild-Rx medication, I could actually feel. When a B formula works, my reactivity to stress drops by up to 50% without side-effects or impairment of any kind and my energy improves by 25%. Vitamin B12 content is 100mcg -- extremely modest to achieve this effect on its own. Preparation includes Inositol 100mg, and a full roster of B nutrients. Yes, your urine will be intensely yellow since many of these nutrients are best preserved with dyes. Preparation is vegan and packaging is Solgar's usual best: brown-tinted glass, double-sealed cap and absorbent cotton packing. Price for 100 vegan caps is acceptable. Packaging and delivery were fine. One important caveat: Don't take this preparation at bedtime, it could cause some sleeplessness. Take your B's in the morning and all will be well. With respect to B-vitamins with daily maximum dosages, especially for those with certain medical conditions -- such as B6 and B3 -- take note of other supplements in your vitamin box to be sure you're not oversupplying your body with these nutrients