Don't Listen to the Negative Reviews!
Great tasting vitamins and exactly what I was looking for! I was in need of a balanced pre-natal vitamin as a supplement to my already balanced diet--I did my research and compared this one to over 10 different other pre-natal vitamins, including the other gummies and regular horse pills. The nutrients in these were comparable to other brands, but more convenient since they are in gummy form. To address some of the complaints I read about: 1) I ordered these in the dead of summer where it was 90 degrees outside. My package was received in a boxed cooler and were still cold when I opened them (no melting as others have said). 2) I read complaints that these vitamins do not contain any iron or calcium. Yes, that is correct and it is clearly advertised as such. If you are looking for a supplemental vitamin that has those things, you need to look elsewhere and do your research as to what you are ingesting. I plan on eating the daily recommended dose of iron for pregnant women through fortified cereals and foods. Many cereals and foods provide you with more than 100% of your daily need and are in healthier form than vitamin nutrients. DO NOT rely on any supplements to provide you with all of your daily needs--you should be eating a well-balanced diet and supplemental vitamins should be taken daily JUST IN CASE you miss something during the day. Being pregnant does not mean you eat whatever you want and those relying on these supplements and then blaming them 8 months into your pregnancy for some deficiency is grossly misleading. 3) The vitamins do provide you with 50% of the recommended Vitamin A intake (a concern to some reviewers), which was absolutely comparable to all other supplement's I researched. So this should not be a reason to not buy this brand