This is awesome. Beats getting shots for my son who has autism. The sublingual is a nice size and takes forever to melt completely so my son takes it as long as he can and chews the rest. Been in for 2 weeks and has seen a slight difference in the clarity of his speech. Further, he has less space-outs we like to call them... GET THE WORD OUT!!! AUTISM is not a dead-end diagnosis! Knowledge is key when ur have a child on the spectrum. Go for biomedical treatments... Many therapies u can do yourself! DONT BELIEVE THE LIES! No flu shots/ vaccinations filled with crap!!! Do ur homework people! There r a millions different ways.... God bless!
Added JAN.30.2014
, an active coenzyme form of vitamin B-12, is essential for cell growth and replication. It is more concentrated than other forms of B-12 in the cerebrospinal fluid, where it can be used by the central nervous system. It donates methyl groups to the myelin sheath that insulates certain nerve fibers. It may also play a role in maintaining a healthy sleep-wake cycle, as well as normal nerve function. Mehtylcobalamin is best. It is already converted to bioavalaible form, so your body can use it immediately. Your body doesn't need to produce intrinsic factor to convert methylcobalamin, because it is already converted. You can take it sublingually or in nasal spray form, which is supposed to bettter absorbed. Methyl-mate is the product I have seen some folks giving their autistic children in nasal spray form.
You don't have to worry about overdosing on this stuff. Cyanocobalamin has a known toxicity, but you cannot overdose on methylcobalamin. But you should get a good b complex supplement, as b12 works better with other b vitamins.
The amount of methylcobalamin you take is actually quite small compared to what many others take. Look up info about it on bodybuilder forums, and autism forums, and als/ald forums. You will find amazing factors using this form of B-12. The prevailing theory on why Vitamin B12 may be effective in many neuromuscular and other conditions is that the METHYL (methylcobalamin) group acts to aid in detoxification and to improve cellular energy.
Additionally, high-dose administration of Vitamin B12 has been validated to stimulate the activity of the body's TH1 suppressor T-Cells, which has been implicated as a problem in ASD individuals. Methyl-B12 is closely allied with the folic acid biochemical pathway. A precursor folic acid molecule must interact with the enzyme MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolic acid) to become 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, the molecule that donates its methyl group to B12 so it can become Methyl-B12. Unfortunately, many children with asd have a defect in this enzyme.B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin "family" with five unique family members that each do different things: a) cyanocobalamin; b) hydroxycobalamin; c) adenosylcobalamin; d) glutathionylcobalamin; e) methylcobalamin. Out of the B12 family, only Methyl-B12 has the ability to activate the methionine/homocysteine biochemical pathway directly. It is this pathway that is responsible for the body's entire sulfur-based detoxification system. It is this pathway that is responsible for the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the universal methyl donor. It is this pathway that is responsible for the formation of homocysteine, the "crossroads" molecule that is responsible either to reform methionine and SAMe or create cysteine, taurine, and glutathione. Glutathione is the body's primary intracellular antioxidant and is responsible for many detoxification reactions, most notably those that involve the binding and removal of mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, tin, antimony, and many other lesser-known heavy metals that also bind to glutathione's sulfur group.
Methyl-B12 is closely allied with the folic acid biochemical pathway. A precursor folic acid molecule must interact with the enzyme MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolic acid) to become 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, the molecule that donates its methyl group to B12 so it can become Methyl-B12. Unfortunately, many children have a defect in this enzyme.
Some believe the best source is from animal products such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy (which can in some studies cause inflammation in some more severe asd patients with deepened metobolic disfunctions). As a side note, no plant foods can be relied on as a sole source of vitamin B12. However, vegetarian safe is what I prefer for my son, due to the fact he can not tolerate any inflammation especially when we detox him. Methyl-B12 is a treatment, not a cure. However, many children using Methyl-B12 combined with other biomedical and non-biomedical therapies have lost their diagnosis! I look forward to the day when we hear autism is few in far in between. This "epidemic" is horrible! And we as ass parents-need to start questioning and digging deep to find paths for our children. We will not be around forever so its now that we have to fight for the betterment of our kids future. Look into Canadian/ european vaccination schedules. Why??? Is America the top diagnoser of ASD- is it part of our government / higher ups "dumbing down" the future generations for easier manipulation or possibly a generation of "people" who dont Necessarily have the ability to question authority, a generation of people who are more "slave like" WAKE UP! People it is time to pull the wool away from your eyes. Many doctors have told me "environment" plays a huge issue is ASD. Damn! Straight it does! But why? We have a million questions. However, our questions need to be deeper more researched. We will NEVER get straight answers for this and why there is someone with autism on every US neighborhood block... We have only begun to scratch the surface on this. Further, be part of the solution for your child's future and not a laxed believer in what any doctor, physician, and or therapist says. Get one, two, three opinions. Go off of your innate intuition and "gut feelings" how can you go wrong when u lead with love and your reality of living with them everyday???YOU are YOUR child's best advocate...KEEP SEEKING!!! Â
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