Amazing product, with results that far exceeded expectations!!!
I have struggled with several B-vitamin deficiencies for several years. That is not just my opinion - there were actual physical symptoms, and the deficiencies were diagnosed both on the clinical symptoms and regular, quarterly blood tests performed in a hospital laboratory. I have lost count of the number of supplements I have tried. Most of them were somewhat effective, but never were completely satisfactory. When I started B Complex Plus, I doubled the daily dose for one week, then dropped back to a double dose every other day, and the regular dose every other day for a week, and then began taking the recommended daily dose. (By the way, I am not suggesting that anyone exceed the recommended dose: I would not have done it without strong evidence of a deficiency.) At the end of two weeks, I had my regularly scheduled blood tests. I had a feeling they would be better than usual, because all of my clinical symptoms had clearly improved. There was an across-the-board improvement in all the areas evaluated, after only 15 days! My doctor said that since there are other high-potency B-vitamin supplements on the market that do not usually yield such quick, impressive results, it is obvious that the way these vitamins are compounded has produced a supplement with a remarkably high bioavailability. We are going to be repeating the tests in 30 days, rather than waiting for another 90, and I am crossing my fingers, hoping that the improvements are sustained. Besides the obvious reasons for that hope, there is also the fact that these vitamins, even at double doses, did not cause nausea or any other gastrointestinal discomfort whatever. And anyone who has done much shopping for high-quality vitamin supplements knows that the prices are often ridiculous. In fact, I almost did not try the Seeking Health B Complex Plus, because I was so accustomed to absurdly high prices that I resisted the idea that any supplements so reasonably priced could be any good. I am very happy to admit that I was wrong about that! I may update here after the next round of tests