User Reviews
Based on 12 Reviews
Effective cancer treatment
My favourite dietary supplement! Serrapeptase is one of the safest and most effective anti-inflammatory drugs, gently breaking down fibrous formations. It has helped with conditions related to cancer, promotes normal blood flow, and cleanses toxins. I have taken it regularly, and it feels like a nanoscalpel with no side effects. I appreciate its benefits and will keep buying it.
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I've noticed several health benefits from this product, including better blood circulation and improved breathing. It's particularly effective for skin cancers, as I have seen them diminish and drop off. I highly recommend taking this product for cancer support.
The serrapeptase, alongside my chemo treatment, seems to be effectively targeting tumours in my lungs, associated with stage 4 secondary bowel cancer. I believe it is aiding my battle against this illness.
I've taken serrapeptase twice daily since last October for hip arthritis. It has notably reduced my pain. I also give it to my mother, who has cancer. It assists in removing dead cancer cells, so I highly recommend it, alongside available research.
This product is excellent for combating cancer and cleansing the body of toxins. I feel it is greatly assisting me in my battle against cancer.