Oh, what a relief they are!
My wife is 91 years old. She had a stroke followed by progressive vascular dementia six years ago For the past year she has had daily episodes during which she does not know who she is, where she is or who I am. She would insist that I had kidnapped her and her parents would be worried. She said if I did not take her home she would just walk the two blocks (it is 2,000 miles). The episodes lasted for about an hour and were very debilitating. At night she roamed the house turning on all the lights and Checking to verify that front and rear doors were locked and even locking both doors to the garage. She would report seeing someone in the house. She said she was very scared. She slept very little at night. I read about research being done on mood probiotics and success in improving a broad range of problems such as autism, bipolar, dementia, depression and more. The researcher said some strains of mood probiotics were now OTC and may not help but could not hurt. I found these on Amazon and began giving her two capsules each day. She continued with the daily episodes on the first and second days.....and then nothing. She has been episode free now for six weeks. She still gets up once each night to watch TV but only turns on one light, does not report any visitors and the fear is gone. We are both resting better......and I have begun taking these "magic pills"