This has changed my life
For the last year digestive issues have made my life miserable. It seemed that the list of foods I couldn't tolerate was increasing daily and I was afraid to eat anything. I lost over 10 lbs but unlike most people I was thin to begin with and could ill afford it. My doctor wanted me to get an upper and lower GI, but I'd just had a clean colonoscopy last year. A couple years ago I tried a different brand of probiotics but it actually made the problem (gas and Diarrhea) worse. After reading the reviews for Garden of Life Raw Probiotics I decided to try them. I was going on a short vacation and the thought of spending more time in a bathroom than on a beach wasn't my idea of fun! I started taking them on Friday, November 4th. By Sunday, November 6th - the day I left - my stomach and gastric issues were gone. I'm not kidding! Today is Sunday, November 13th. I've taken one capsule every morning with a full glass of water on an empty stomach. I feel like a different person! While I was away I ate cheese and avocados - two BIG trigger foods that caused problems. I had zero issues. Next I'm going to try cream cheese - hopefully the result will be the same and I'll be able to add dairy back to my diet. I can't say enough about this product and never want to be without it