Liquid iron chaser
I would give 5 stars to most Garden of Life products. I've worked my way through most of their nutritional supplement line. It's always high quality, Non GMO & can feel a difference. So while, I'm not completely a fan of the taste, I've grown used to it. I just spray it on the sweet spot of my tounge, in the middle. I expected it to taste like Orange, as it's Vit C, it's more a citrus blend. Maybe grapefruit? It's not bad, just a tad bitter compared to the B12 spray, which is berry goodness. I must add, I used the spray to chase my shot of liquid iron. Vitamin C helps absorb iron and, up til 3 weeks ago, I was anemic. Liquid iron tastes horrible but liquid vitamins absorbs better. Ironically to me, the Vit C tastes better after the iron then when I do it on it's own. Either way, the stuff works. I feel better. My Anemia was severe & required an infusion. Now I'm maintaining my iron levels. If you want Vitamins that your body can effectively maximize, liquids are the way to go. Geritol & Garden of Life are my new super duo