Low odor and works well – no bad taste after taking it.
I've been taking Jarrow Formulas B-Right Low Odor B-Complex since 2013. I had been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue by my doctor, and one of the things he told me I should take was B-complex. I couldn't face that, because B-complex tasted so terrible, and every time a little bit of air came up after taking the B-Right and eating, I could taste it. A guy at a local health food store recommended this to me, and it did the trick - no more problems with tasting it. About two years later I changed doctors, finding a doctor who is board-certified in family practice and has also received additional training in functional medicine. He helped me recover from adrenal fatigue. He also does extensive testing and discovered that I carry two mutated genes that prevent a person from absorbing enough B-vitamins from their food. Considering that, he was glad to see that my levels of B-12 were so good and told me to keep taking the B-complex. Finding out that I had those two genes and how they affect the body explained something to me. About 9 months after I started taking Jarrow B-Right, I noticed that my hair was getting darker. I was 53 at the time, and my hair had become dull, kind of “colorless,” and had quite a bit of gray. But now my hair was growing darker and a bit shinier. I thought it was because I had started using a keratin oil on my hair. But when my hair continued to grow darker and shinier, closer to my original color with just a few gray hairs, I began to wonder if it had something to do with my diet - I had begun to change my diet. So I googled “gray hair nutritional deficiencies,” and a ton of hits came up for the B vitamins. It dawned on me that the B-complex I had been taking might have something to do with it. After seeing the new doctor and finding out that I have the two mutated genes that prevent good absorption of B-vitamins, that made it seem even more possible. People who have one or both of those genes are more likely to have thyroid disease, Psoriasis, diabetes, cancer, and other autoimmune conditions. I have the first two, and had diabetes until I reversed it by changing my diet and losing weight - I caught it early enough. Anyway, I have no actual proof, only anecdotal evidence, but it's a fact that my hair had become dull, was losing its color, and I had a lot of gray. Now it's shiny, is almost as dark as when I was younger (I'm 58 years old), and I have only some gray hairs. Other people have noticed, too. For example, when I saw my sister for the first time in a couple of years, she thought I had started dying my hair (I've never dyed it). I'm not saying that B-complex is a cure for gray hair; but if you have deficiencies of B vitamins, a good B-complex might help you with your hair. Any article about the health of hair will mention B-vitamins. I will also say that the doctor I started seeing early in 2015 finally got my thyroid hormones balanced, and that has probably helped, too - but the health of my hair was already returning before I started seeing him