Definitely effective.
This seems to be effective and working well. I'm on my 4th bottle. I have absorption issues, I suspect because of villi damage, that compromises my B12 absorption. It could also be intrinsic factor but I've never been tested. Once I learned about the MTHFR mutation I suspected it may be that because I've never been able to tolerate synthetic b vitamins. So prior to supplementing, I was not tested. But after 3 bottles, of taking 6 a day, my b12 was tested at 436, and my folate was 18.9. That's about 6 weeks of supplementing. I actually thought my B12 was low after taking that much. So why 6 a day? Because I also learned if your small intestine is compromised you won't see results unless you "overdose" on B12. I started taking these because I'm chronically anemic and my RDW has been high for almost a decade, and I have Neuropathy problems. While I'm not technically anemic right now, likely thanks to this product, my iron is very very low, and B12 and folate are key to fixing the complete picture. You can be iron deficient and not anemic, most people don't know that. Now I just need to get my iron and ferritin up. I should also add that my most recent period was much more manageable. It wasn't nearly as heavy as usual and very minimal clotting. I love Life Extension because they don't add unnecessary ingredients to their supplements. I will continue to buy this