We explored the impact of zinc treatment on anemia, particularly focusing on preterm and low birth weight infants in low- and middle-income countries. Previous evidence suggested a strong correlation between zinc supplementation and the reduction of anemia rates.
Our review revealed that adding zinc, along with other micronutrients, seems to show promising benefits. Specifically, it can help reduce levels of anemia in vulnerable populations, contributing to better health outcomes.
What's important to note is that benefits from zinc supplementation were often accompanied by other nutrients, making it challenging to isolate its specific effectiveness. Nevertheless, the consensus indicates that zinc, along with iron and vitamin A, plays a supportive role in promoting overall growth and reducing complications related to anemia.
Therefore, while we didn't claim that zinc alone is a catch-all solution, it does hold significant promise when combined with a broader nutritional strategy. This highlights the essential need for ongoing research into micronutrient supplementation in these high-risk groups.