Update: Changed review from 2 star to 5 STARS!
I have continued taking these when life got a little busy and I noticed the side effects were no longer a problem. It obviously was caused by my having switched Magnesium types, even though there was some time in-between. I figured since I paid the money and it helps with bowel movements, just finish the supply and then try a different type. Well, after a while I noticed I was feeling better. So I kept it up. Several months down the line and also adopting regular epsom baths and magnesium in spray form, it has literally changed my life. Originally i started taking this to help with alleviating the painful and frustrating symptoms of fibromyalgia and to help with bowel issues. After two decades of this hanging over my head, the muscle issues are gone and no longer dealing with the debilitating brain fog/chronic fatigue. I still have food intolerances every now and then, but my body is
Here's the real kicker. My menstrual cycles have NEVER been regular. I average every 3-6 months and sometimes it's twice a year. After several months of being on this, my menstrual cycles have returned and for the first time in my life, I have a more or less regular cycle. It seems like I'm still "adjusting", that is, my hormones are less of an issue, my sex drive is increasing gradually and it doesn't feel like metal on metal with the headaches when I put the foot to the pedal.
I'm sure now I had some form of a severe deficiency. Doctors could pick this up on test and the spray is a very quick way to get it into your muscles. I recommend in addition to taking this, that you also get the Life Flo spray. I knew my life was changed when I found a huge bottle of muscle relaxers in the car that I forgot I'd even filled. I hadn't touched the stuff in months.
That said, I would still heed the warning in my previous review, if you are on another supplement, to be sure you "ease" into these. They gave me violent diarrhea and very bad reaction.
I know when I read as being linked to my condition, I was skeptical. All I can say is give it a try. The magnesium spray does help and it also will help with anxiety if you're dealing with those symptoms as well. Though, you have to take it for many months and expect you'll be taking it for longer after that to get back to peak condition. I guess if you're like me and have seen every specialist under the sun and been given any real answers about this "disease", then you really have nothing to lose. But again, ease into this supplements... they took more than a month for me to change. For whatever reason, I reacted very poorly when first taking and I think because I'd been on other less-absorbent magnesium for far too long.
Old review:
I'm sorry that these pills made me poop a lot. I usually take magnesium citrate so I can poop better. The directions on the bottle that say take 3 pills daily made me poop way too much and also made me feel like death. I was taking 2 doses of Spring Valley Magnesium @ 400mg ea most days and occasionally 1 pill a day to manage chronic Constipation. I made sure to stop it 4-5 days before I started these so I could be relatively objective on their effectiveness. Seeing as many people can tolerate the 3 pill dose, I started on it right away thinking these must be mild. I soon felt the effects of what felt like my body was being poisoned and felt like I was going to die. I did some googling and it is indeed possible to overdose on magnesium. I fell under the category of what would be considered mild overdose of it is what I experienced. I'm in wonder as to how most others don't seem to have had this issue.
I experienced nausea, dizziness, severe abdominal cramps, violent diarrhea, breathlessness and as I was going back and forth to the bathroom constantly and was utterly confused about what I was experiencing. Having been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome and also probably having un-diagnosed IBS (I have generally high pain and trouble when I poop) this was extra painful as it was like the hell's wrath was released on my entire pelvic region. I almost felt like going to the ER then and there but my $300 copay said no and so I waited until it washed out of my system. Against what some would perceive as common sense, I stopped for 24 hours and then started again on two pills. I had some milder diarrhea which aggravated my bladder further and caused some more pain but thankfully only lasted until I couldn't go to the bathroom anymore. After a few days, I went back on for 1 pill. I felt mild cramping that felt like I was on my period. Did not last very long so I wasn't concerned.
I take in the recommended amount of water daily but still suffer chronic Constipation so it really should not be because of water. I figured it was low magnesium. I started taking magnesium a few years back because of a kidney stone and had high calcium levels come back on blood tests, so I figured I did not have enough magnesium to keep calcium in check. The Spring Valley Magnesium citrate you can buy at Walmart worked fine for me though I felt like maybe I was losing some of the other benefits such as reduction in pain as well losing some water as it did seem to flush my system quite a bit. I looked for a higher quality magnesium supplement so I bought this because of the reviews.
I don't necessarily recommend people not to try these. Obviously this has worked wonders for some, but my body has some issue with these and I recommend to most people just starting them to start on 1 pill and not 3. Some people have written they are taking 6.... I don't know in God's name some people are able to do that. I'm 100% certain I would've been in the ER if I even attempted to take more than the 3. It was just a little scary
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